Cecil N Parsons - Research Notes

David Bridge (Living Family info validation)


  • Cecil N Parsons - Research notes.

    Aunt Connie remembered the year Cecil died as 1963 at age 78.

    Connie was born in 105 Connor Road, Dagenham on 26 Apr 1932.

    Connie & Ken remember tales of Cecil being born in Bude Cornrwall and being one of TWINS (Birth location was later disproven by records, Cecil's father however was born in Bude and Cecil was one of Twins, the other died)

    Son Ken advised David Bridge verbally that Cecil fought in the Battle of Jutland in WW1, Ken didn't have any details regarding which ship Cecil was on (later found in WW1 Military records).
    Ken also advises that Cecil "ran away" at about 14 and joined the Navy.

    Possible entry 271 may be another distant relative

    Conner Road was the first Dagenham home of the Parsons family. (connor road runs Diagonally from Beverley Road/Oxlow Lane up to Heathway near Wood Lane)

    info from Cemeteries service:
    Ada Emmeline Parsons and Cecil Norman Parsons are buried in grave number 2697 section AA this is a purchased grave which was brought in perpetuity back in 1948 there is a headstone landing kerb posts and vase on this grave
    Cecil & Ada's Grave is in Chadwell Heath Cemetary to the far right of main gate just left of a 68 feet high Large War Memorial (Source David Bridge personal Visit).

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