Birth - 19-Aug-1918 Charles Adolphus Bridge (GRO Ref: 1918 St Olave Vol 1d Page 213)




Births Sep 1918 Bridge, Charles A MMN:Welsh  St Olave    1d 213


  • Ellen Walsh & Ellen Welsh - are likely the same person.
    Note: Merged William Bridge ID 111 & 2326 into single record ID111
    Merged Ellen Walsh ID 767 and Ellen WElsh ID 2325 into single record
    Associated Charles Adophus Bridge with William ID 111 and Ellen ID 767 (ilo 2326 & 2325).
    Middle name of son Charles Adolphus Bridge is too stong a coincidence as the Adolphus name is used on many prior generations on the Renwick line.
    Lilelyhood is that the Registrar heard the name incorrectly (Walsh/WElsh).

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